3 Basic DIY Boat Servicing Tips for New Boat Owners

Many new boat owners believe the myth that DIY boat servicing is cumbersome and puts your boat at risk of premature damage. While it is true that mechanics are best equipped to handle both basic and major boat servicing, there is nothing to suggest that you cannot handle some basic boat maintenance. Not only does DIY boat servicing save you money, but it also provides you with an opportunity to know your new boat inside out. Additionally, DIY servicing keeps your boat in excellent working condition since you can handle minor issues early enough. This article highlights some basic DIY boat servicing tips. 

Wash Regularly – The marine environment is arguably one of the harshest for your boat because the rate of corrosion in salty waters is high. This is especially the case if your boat stays in a wet berth. Therefore, it is vital to wash your boat every time you take it out into the water. Unfortunately, some boat owners only wash their boats after a couple of uses because they believe that the hulls of most modern boats are made of corrosion-resistant materials. Although this is true, such protection only works if you complement it with the regular washes to prevent salt from drying, becoming abrasive and breaching protected surfaces. 

Clean the Hull Underside – Although the marine environment is harsh to vessels, it offers the perfect conditions for marine life. Since the underside of your boat's hull is usually submerged in water during boat rides, the part is often neglected during regular servicing. Over time, marine organisms start growing around critical components such as the running gear and intakes. If this is not addressed in good time, then you risk expensive repairs and longer days at the service centre. You can avoid all this by hiring a diver to clean the underside of the hull at least once every 4 to 12 weeks.

Run Bilge Pump Hoses Before Going Out – If you want to gauge your boat's health, then look no further than the bilge pump. Regrettably, it is the most neglected part of a boat during servicing, and the negligence often leads to devastating failures. Since the bilge pump helps to remove water build-up in the bilge, it is critical to run the hoses for a couple of minutes regularly to clean out the line. It ensures that any saltwater or debris is eliminated and prevents bacteria from growing inside the pump and rendering the device ineffective

For more information, reach out to a boat servicing professional.

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Rugby Ruckus For Fun and Fans I've played rugby. I've coached rugby. I've been a fan of rugby. What has struck me about the game I love is just what a benefit it can be to people of all backgrounds. If you have watched rugby games but never thought about getting involved, then my blog is for you. My posts tend to be about understanding the finer points about the game and its laws. Learn how to tackle without getting injured or how to get in place for a line-out. My take on rugby is that it is great for fitness and for making new friends even if you just want to enjoy a few sessions of touch rugby. Get involved and find out what rugby can offer you!



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